Cançon de la hialaira
(Au ton coenh)
This song is in Gascon dialect. The translation is singable to the tune.

Cançon de la hialaira
(Au ton coenh)
The Spinner's Song
(On Your Distaff)
Traditional Song
Traditional Song
Au ton coenh qu'as un riban blanc
Blanc com nèu au sorelh lhevant
Bèra hialaira, bèra hialaira
Qui hialas deu matin au ser.
Ditz-me perqué
Vira, husèth, vira, vira
Deu matin au ser vira, vira
Que cau ua pelha entà abilhar
La mainada qui vam batiar.
Au ton coenh qu'as un riban blu
Blu com la hlor deu lin madur.
Bèra hialaira, bèra hialaira
Qui hialas deu matin au ser
Ditz-me perqué
Vira, husèth, vira, vira
Deu matin au ser vira, vira
Qu'u cau quan se mariderà
Ua camisa nava a's botar.
Au ton cuenh qu'as un riban roge,
Roge com l'auba quan i a ploja.
Bèra hialaira, bèra hialaira
Qui hialas deu matin au ser
Ditz-me perqué
Vira, husèth, vira, vira
Deu matin au ser vira, vira
Qu'u calerà quan plorerà
un mochoèr entà s'eishugar
Au ton cuenh qu'as un riban negre,
Negre enqüer mei qu'un tròç de pega,
Bèra hialaira, bèra hialaira
Qui hialas deu matin au ser
Ditz-me perqué
Vira, husèth, vira, vira
Deu matin au ser vira, vira
Qu'u calerà quan morirà
un linçòu entà l'enterrar.
On your distaff* is a white ribbon
White as the snow in the rising sun
Beautiful spinner, beautiful spinner,
You're spinning from dawn to dusk.
Just tell me why,
Spin round, spindle, spin round, spin round
From morning to dusk, spin round, spin round,
We need a cloth to dress the girl
We're going to baptize in the church.
On your distaff is a blue ribbon
Like the flax flower when it blossoms
Beautiful spinner, beautiful spinner,
You're spinning from dawn to dusk.
Just tell me why,
Spin round, spindle, spin round, spin round,
From morning to dusk, spin round, spin round
She will need a new shirt to wear
When she gets wed to her love fair.
On your distaff is a red ribbon
Like the dawn when rain is to come
Beautiful spinner, beautiful spinner
You're spinning from dawn to dusk.
Just tell me why,
Spin round, spindle, spin round, spin round,
From morning to dusk, spin round, spin round
For she'll be needing when she cries
A handkerchief for her tears to wipe.
On your distaff is a black ribbon
Darker than pitch black is this black ribbon
Beautiful spinner, beautiful spinner,
You're spinning from dawn to dusk.
Just tell me why,
Spin round, spindle, spin round, spin round,
From morning to dusk, spin round, spin round
For we will be needing a shroud
For to bury her when she dies.
*A distaff is a tool used in spinning. It's designed to hold the unspun fibers, keeping them untangled and thus easing the spinning process.
This song was written by Abbot Paul Tallez from Armagnac (born in Estang 1846 - died in Auch 1930), a writer in the Gascon language.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song (with Lisa Yannucci), for the midi, photo and sheet music.
Mercé plan!