Buvons un coup ma serpette est perdue
Buvons un coup ma serpette est perdue
Let's Have a Drink I've Lost My Pruning Knife
Chanson enfantine
Children's Song
Buvons un coup ma serpette est perdue,
Mais le manche, mais le manche,
Buvons un coup ma serpette est perdue
Mais le manche est revenu.
Bavas a ca ma sarpata a parda,
Ma la macha ma la macha
Bavas a ca ma sarpata a parda
Ma la macha a ravana.
E, I, O, U, OU, É, È, OI, UI, OUI, AN, IN, ON, UN, OIN…
Let's have a drink I've lost my pruning knife
But the handle, but the handle,
Let's have a drink I've lost my pruning knife
But the handle has come back.
Lat's hava a drak a'v' last ma prana knaf'
Bat tha hadal bat the hadal,
Lat's hava a drak a'v' last ma prana knaf'
Bat tha hadal has cam' back.
You can use all the vowel sounds available…
The translation was done to be singable!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song, for the score and the midi music.
Merci beaucoup!