Frère Jacques

Frère Jacques
Brother John
Frère Jacques,
Frère Jacques,
Sonnez les matines.
Sonnez les matines.
Ding, ding, dong.
Ding, ding, dong.
Are you sleeping,
Are you sleeping,
Brother John?
Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing.
Morning bells are ringing.
Ding, dong, ding.
Ding, dong, ding.
The English "translation" above is actually the English version, not the literal translation. Here's the literal English translation of Frère Jacques:
Brother James,
Brother James,
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Ring the morning bells,
Ring the morning bells,
Ding ding dong,
Ding ding dong.
Here's a recording of Frère Jacques sung in both French and English (by Ezwa).
The CLasse d'INitiation de Mons-en-Baroeul/Lille Fives in France has a Frère Jacques page that contains videos of students and teachers singing Frère Jacques in different languages. Click here to visit the page.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Illustration by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel (1851-1913) from Vieilles Chansons pour les Petits Enfants: Avec Accompagnements / de Ch. M. Widor (1844 - 1937); Illustrations Par M.B. de Monvel. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, [1883]. The image was graphically edited by Lisa Yannucci.
Thanks so much!