Schloof, Bobbeli, Schloof
(Version 1)
Pennsylvania Dutch is a dialect of German. It's also called Deitsch and Pennsylvania German.
Schloof, Bobbeli, Schloof
(Version 1)
Sleep, Baby, Sleep
(Version 1)
(Pennsylvania Dutch)
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Der Daadi hiet die Schoof.
Die Mammi hiet die braune Kieh
Und kummt net heem bis Marriye frieh.
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Der Daadi hiet die Schoof.
Die Mammi hiet die Lemmer,
Noo schlooft des Bobbel noch lenger.
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Der Daadi hiet die Schoof.
Die Mammi die kocht Schnitz un Gnebb;
Der Daadi hiet die Keffer weg.
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Der Daadi hiet die Schoof.
Die Mammi iss fatt uff die Blauderyacht
Un sie kummt net heem bis dunkel Nacht.
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Der Daadi hiet die Schoof.
Die Mammi hiet die weisse Kieh;
Sie schtehne im Dreck bis an die Gnie.
Schloof, Bobbeli, schloof!
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Daddy tends the sheep.
Mommy tends the brown cows
And won't come home till early morning.
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Daddy tends the sheep.
Mommy tends the lambs,
Now baby sleeps longer.
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Daddy tends the sheep.
Mommy is cooking dried Schnitz un Knepp*,
Daddy's keeping the bugs away!
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Daddy tends the sheep.
Mommy's gone off on a gossiping tour,
And won't be back till dark!
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Daddy tends the sheep.
Mommy tends the white cows,
They stand in the dirt** up to their knees.
Sleep, baby, sleep!
*"Schnitz un Knepp", (lit. "Dried apples and buttons") is a dish made from ham, dried apples, and dumplings. You'll find several recipes and videos on the internet.
**"Dreck" can mean dirt, mud, filth, excrement… (Your choice!)
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique and Lisa.