Italian Carol: Tu scendi dalle stelle with Andrea Bocelli Video

Many people love the Italian Carol Tu scendi dalle stelle (You Come Down from the Stars)… Many more love Andrea Bocelli’s rendition of it… So I bring you the Italian lyrics, an English translation and the video together this Christmas season!

Tu scendi dalle stelle

Tu scendi dalle stelle
O Re del Cielo
E vieni in una grotta
Al freddo al gelo
E vieni in una grotta
Al freddo al gelo.

O Bambino mio Divino
Io ti vedo qui a tremar,
O Dio Beato!
Ah, quanto ti costò
L’avermi amato.
Ah, quanto ti costò
L’avermi amato.

A te che sei del mondo,
Il creatore,
Mancano panni e fuoco,
O mio Signore.
Mancano panni e fuoco,
O mio Signore.

Caro eletto pargoletto,
Quanto questa povertà
Più mi innamora,
Giacchè ti fece amor
Povero ancora.
Giacchè ti fece amor
Povero ancora.

You Come Down from the Stars
(English Translation)

You come down from the stars
Oh King of Heavens,
And you come in a cave
In the cold, in the frost.
And you come in a cave
In the cold, in the frost.

Oh my Divine Baby
I see you trembling here,
Oh Blessed God
Ah, how much it cost you,
Your loving me.
Ah, how much it cost you,
Your loving me.

For you, who are of all the world
The creator,
No robes and fire,
Oh my Lord,
No robes and fire,
Oh my Lord.

Dear chosen one, little infant,
This dire poverty,
Makes me love you more,
Since Love made you
Poor now,
Since Love made you
Poor now.

Many thanks to Monique Palomares at Mama Lisa’s World en français for the English translation of Tu scendi dalle stelle!


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009 at 3:17 pm and is filed under Andrea Bocelli, Christmas, Christmas Songs, Countries & Cultures, English, Holiday Songs, Holidays Around the World, Italian, Italy, Languages, Mama Lisa, Music, Opera, Tu scendi dalle stelle - You Come Down from the Stars, YouTube. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 Responses to “Italian Carol: Tu scendi dalle stelle with Andrea Bocelli Video”

  1. Isabel Says:

    I see that under German songs you have ‘Hoppe Hoppe Reiter’ and when I do a search for that song, I always get the lyrics you have posted. However, I grew up with a different set of lyrics, which I sang to my kids and now to my grandkids. I wonder if anyone else knows them. I have friends who sing the same lyrics and I’m thinking it might depend on what part of the world you’ve come from? We’re ‘Volga Deutsch’. The lyrics we sing are (excuse the spelling):

    Hoppe Hoppe Reiter
    Sable an die Seite
    Gelt in die Tasche
    Schnapps in die Flasche
    Hoppe Hoppe Hoppe Hoppe
    Macht der Reiter so!
    Hop Hop Rider
    Sabre at your side
    Money in your pocket
    Schnapps in the bottle
    Hop Hop Hop Hop
    The Rider goes like this! (and you drop the child down between your legs)

  2. Isabel Says:

    oops…I seem to have a left an unrelated comment on the Andrea Boccelli post…sorry.

  3. Richard Cavallaro Says:

    My Nanna taught this to me when I a pre-schooler. Each Natale, we gathered around the player-piano to sing this beautiful carol. it was usually after dinner on Christmas Eve and our main course of Baccala. Nanna insisted that we all sing it in Italian. After she passed away, my mother carried on the tradition. We gathered around our piano and our family sang it while I played it on the piano. Now that i have a family of my own, we still sing it…but it just doesn’t have the same meaning when Nanna was there and leading us with her outstretched arms as we all sang. This song, while it is sung to honor our Lord, also brought families together in love. It has such a special meaning to us. Thank you so much for having it available for others to enjoy also. Tanti Grazie……….e Buon Natale a tutti!!

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