New Recordings of French Children’s Songs

We were recently fortunate enough to receive a selection of recordings of French kids songs, sung by a French music teacher, Tiphaine Woerth.

Here’s a wonderful recording Tiphaine did of Ainsi Font, followed by the lyrics and an English translation.

MP3 of Ainsi Font

Ainsi font

Ainsi font, font, font
Les petites marionnettes
Ainsi font font font
Trois petits tours
Et puis s’en vont
Elle reviendront
Les petites marionnettes
Elles reviendront
Quand les autres partiront.

They Do This Way

They do, do, do this way
The little puppets
They do, do, do this way
Three little turns
And then they go away
They will come back
The little puppets
They will come back
When the others go away.

Many thanks to Tiphaine Woerth for the recording and Monique Palomares of Mama Lisa’s World en français for the English translation.

Come visit the Mama Lisa’s World France pages to hear more of Tiphaine’s recordings.

This article was posted on Thursday, May 3rd, 2007 at 10:46 am and is filed under Belgium, Canada, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, France, French, French Folk Songs, French Kids Songs, French Lullabies, Haiti, Languages, Languages, Learning, Lullabies, Martinique, MP3's, Recordings of Songs, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

9 Responses to “New Recordings of French Children’s Songs”

  1. Alicia Says:

    My French-Canadian Grandmother used to sing a song about a woman’s little dog. The only words I remember (unless I remembered incorrectly) are “votre petit chien madam.” Can anyone help me find the song and the rest of the words?

  2. Monique Says:

    This is the only one I found

    Votre petit chien, madame,
    votre petit chien, madame,
    m’a mordue.

    Savez-vous dé vou?
    Savez-vous dé vou?
    Sur le nombril.

    Tais-toi donc, petite menteuse!
    Tu ne sais pas ce que tu dis.
    Mon petit chien est trop gentil
    pour te mordre où ce que tu dis.

    and I found it at this link where you’ll also find the sheet music.

    Note that “dé vou” isn’t standard French which would be just “où”

  3. Tony Says:

    I used to have a song sung to me when I was a child I do not know its name but it sort of went like this:
    Soule Po, davingne san le dancer san le dancer and so on.
    Could you please tell me its name as I would like to sing it to my daughter.


  4. Lisa Says:

    That sounds like Sur le pont d’Avignon (On the Bridge of Avignon). You can click the link to see the lyrics in French and English and for the midi tune and score.

    -Mama Lisa

  5. Jackie Says:

    I heard a song this weekend while visiting my grandmother in Canada. My grandfather used to sing it to my brothers and sisters, whom are older than me. The song is at leat 45 years old or better and unfortunately the only words I can remember are “little children”, “petit enfant”. It almost sounded like a lullaby, for the song was not a fast one and was sung in french. (My french is very broken.) Does this possibly ring a bell? I would love to get the lyrics for my mother.
    thank you very much.

  6. rj Says:

    my aunt used to sing this french song.. but i dont know the title.. it’s something like…
    il ya longtemps que je t’aime jamais je ne t’oublierai. pls. help… thanks.. :>

  7. Lisa Says:

    I believe that’s À la claire fontaine (At the Clear Fountain).

    Here’s a link to the French lyrics, English translation, midi tune, mp3 and sheet music of À la claire fontaine.


    Mama Lisa

  8. Audrey Says:

    My mom used to sing a song to teach us the alphabet in french. It was lyrics which I don’t remember and then the letter was repeated three times. Have any ideas?

  9. Monique Says:

    Sure, it’s the Scouts Alphabet. We have a version of it on Mama Lisa’s World Belgium page. You can find slightly different versions on line by typing “alphabet des scouts” or “un jour la troupe campa”.

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