Looking for an Afrikaans Nursery Rhyme

Frank wrote:

I’m looking for some help finding the lyrics to a South African children’s nursery rhyme in Afrikaans that starts:

Opa ry en sy ou Ford…

Does anyone know the whole piece and others from South Africa?


We have Akrikaans Nursery Rhymes and Songs on our South African pages. (Click the link to see them.)

If anyone can help further, please comment below.


-Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Monday, October 29th, 2007 at 5:50 pm and is filed under Afrikaans, Countries & Cultures, Languages, Nursery Rhymes, Questions, Readers Questions, South Africa. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

27 Responses to “Looking for an Afrikaans Nursery Rhyme”

  1. Elsabe Van der Merwe Says:

    Hi, I can’t remember all the words – my brother knew it better, but here is what I remember and I’ll try to get the rest from him to give you all the lyrics:

    Oupa ry in sy ou Ford
    A-a-oo, A-a-oo, A-a-oo-oo-a

    Hy lyk nes ‘n regte Lord
    A-a-oo, A-a-oo, A-a-oo-oo-a

    Ritte-tit, ritte-tit om die draai
    Ritte-tit, moenie by die deur uitwaai

  2. Lisa Says:

    You can hear part of Oupa ry met sy ou Ford sung by clicking here and clicking on the name of the song.

  3. Annee Taylor Says:

    Hi there
    It’s probably too late now but here it is:

    Oupa ry in sy ou Ford
    A-a-oo, A-a-oo, A-a-oo-oo-a

    Hy lyk nes ‘n regte Lord
    A-a-oo, A-a-oo, A-a-oo-oo-a

    Ritte-tit, ritte-tit kyk die stof
    Ritte-tit o die pad is al te rof
    Ritte-tit, ritte-tit om die draai
    Ritte-tit, moenie by die deur uitwaai

    Hoenders, eende uit die pad
    A-a-oo, A-a-oo, A-a-oo-oo-a
    Oupa ry in derde rat
    A-a-oo, A-a-oo, A-a-oo-oo-a

  4. Lisa Says:

    Thanks Annee and Elsabe!

    I’m wondering if either of you (or anyone else) could provide an English translation?

    Mama Lisa

  5. Erica Says:

    Also a bit late but basically the translation means

    Granddad is driving his old Ford
    He looks like a real old Lord
    Ritte tit look at the dust
    Ritte tit the road is rough
    Ritte tit around the corner
    Ritte tit don’t fall out of the door

    Chickens and ducks move out of the way
    Granddad is driving in third gear

  6. Lisa Says:

    It’s never too late! We appreciate the help any time. Thanks! Mama Lisa

  7. Marius Says:

    I am looking for the Afrikaans rhyme for Humpty Dumpty. Can you help?

  8. Lauren Says:

    is looking for any and every Afrikaans Nusery Rythme that there are

  9. Lisa Says:

    Hi Lauren – We have Afrikaans nursery rhymes on our South Africa pages. (Click the link to see them.) Cheers! Mama Lisa

  10. Lethabi Says:

    I am looking 4 an Afrikaans poem but I can’t find it any where can anyone help me

  11. Lethabo Says:

    I am looking 4 a Afrikaans poem

  12. Lisa Says:

    Which poem?

  13. Kelley Says:

    Hi, I’m trying to find a book of nursery rhymes I had as a child. The one I remember best is about “die huis van koos delport” or the house that jack built. Also in the book was the rhyme that said something like “1,2 (cant remember)..3,4 close the door, 5,6 pick up sticks…” All in afrikaans. This is something that would have been around somewhere early ’80s…any suggestions?

  14. Radiefa Says:

    Hi all
    I am looking for Humpty Dumpty in afrikaans
    My 6 year old son needs to recite it at a school concert and we get stuck at:

    Al die konings perde..

    Please help.

    Thank you

  15. hazel Says:

    I am looking for an afrikaans poem I learnt as a child. Does anyone know the full poem? It begins something like this: En kerel tok-tokkkie stan voor en pondockie en klok met its klokie klok-klok

  16. shayla Says:

    I am looking for a poem i did in grade 6 called die reëndripple please help
    !! :)

  17. An Says:

    Hompie Kedompie sit op die wal
    Hompie Kedompie het afgeval
    Die Koning se mense, die Koning se leer
    Kon Hompie Kedompie nie keer

  18. nasi Says:

    hi im looking for a short rhyming afrikaans rhyming poem for school , can you help me ?

  19. janine Says:

    Ba ba black sheep in afrikaans

  20. Sinqo Says:

    I am looking for an Afrikaans Poem that says something like ‘Moenie’

    Moenie jonk of lielik praat
    Moenie snaks wees met ‘n vriend
    Almal is jou maat ‘n vriend

  21. Jamie-lee Says:

    Baa baa swaat skaap het jy baie wol ja baas ja baas drie sakke vol
    Een vir die baas en een vir die nooi en een vir die seuntjie wat so kan raas

  22. Anne Says:



  23. oppiesee Says:

    did you get the chords for oupa se ford, Anne? I am looking for it too

  24. Robyn Says:

    I’m desperately looking for an Afrikaans rhyme about being scared

  25. markk Says:

    Looking for short afikaans poem about family grade2

  26. Refilwe Says:

    Please help., I’m looking for a Christmas rhyming poem in Afrikaans for grade 3

  27. Maureen Evee Richardson Says:


    I am looking for an Afrikaans children’s poem about a train. It has the words sucka pucka in it (the sound the train makes).

    Can someone please help me.

    Thank you.

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