
*Alternate last verse:

On se prend par le cou, (We take each other by the neck)
On s'embrasse, on s'embrasse, (We kiss, we kiss)
On se prend par le cou, (We take each other by the neck)
On s'embrasse beaucoup. (We kiss a lot.)

Game Instructions

A group of children form two lines facing each other, one line has girls and the other boys.

1st Verse:
(a) While the girls stand still, the boys go forward as follows: skip on the left foot while swinging the right foot forward, then skip on the right foot while swinging the left foot forward.
(b) The boys go backward doing the same step but skipping backwards.

2nd Verse:
The girls do the same as the boys did in the 1st verse while the boys stand still.

3rd verse:
Each person gives their right hand to the person in front of them and they skip spinning clockwise on the first two lines, then they change hands and go counter-clockwise on the next 2 lines.

4th verse:
Each couple holds each other's right arm they skip spinning clockwise on the first two lines, then they change hands and go counter-clockwise on the next 2 lines.

5th verse:
Each couple holds each other's neck and they spin on the spot doing small steps.
*If the alternate version of the last verse is used, each couple holds each other's neck and they kiss on both cheeks on lines 2 and 4.


Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Mademoiselle voulez-vous

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Contribution and translation: Monique Palomares

Merci beaucoup!