Alternate titles: "Le poltron", "Et moi de m'encourir" or "Le petit nigaud".

The verses can be sung in any order and you can choose which verses to sing, but the first verse is always sung.

En passant près d'un p'tit bois  - (Le peureux) - French Children's Songs - France - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*Latin for "Thee, O God."

The beginning of the first line of each verse can be found as "Tout en passant…"
The two last lines can also be found as "Et moi je m'encourais" (And I would run away) or "Et moi je m'enfuyais" (And I would flee) or "Et moi de m'encour- cour- et moi de m'encourir" (And I ran a-, I ran a-, and I ran away).

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - En passant près d'un p'tit bois  - (Le peureux)

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique Palomares with Lisa Yannucci.

Image: "Nouvelles chansons et rondes enfantines" (1886) by Jean-Baptiste Weckerlin.