Furreal Friends is the big thing this year. They’re robotic pets that act like real animals. They feel like stuffed animals – though sometimes, they’re hard underneath. There’s a horse that kids can “ride” on. Actually, it’s the head that moves – making real-looking movements – and you can “feed” it. There are cats, dogs, hamsters, and the list goes on. They range in price from about $19.99 (for the small animals) – $199.00 (for the horses). Preskool put out a Triceratops robotic toy that young kids can go on too. If you’re interested in buying a robotic stuffed animal, I’d recommend checking out the reviews of the different types of pets on Amazon and YouTube. Furreal Friends is the main brand – but some specific animals rate better than others.

Chantilly Lane Bears sing! Their mouths move while they belt out a song! These are really cute – though hearing the same song again and again can make a parent crazy! They’re less well-known than some other toys and I think there’s value in that! They come in other animals besides bears. They’re priced around $19.99.

A Webkinz is a little stuffed animal that comes with a special internet code that lets your child can interact with an online version of it. Webkinz have been around for a couple of years – but both boys and girls in elementary school still enjoy them. Their animals can get a “job” online and with the “money” they make they can improve their houses, and buy virtual food or clothes for their Webkinz. There are also games kids can play online in the Webkinz World. Webkinz normally cost between $8.00 – $15.00.

Girls aged 4-8 like Animals in My Pocket (like “Puppy in My Pocket“) and also Littlest Pet Shop animals. My daughter and her friend can’t get enough of them! There’s also “Safari in my Pocket” that boys might like.
These are some fun gift ideas if you have a school-aged child in your life who loves animals!
Mama Lisa
UPDATE: Check out my more recent post of recommended video games for kids!
This article was posted on Wednesday, December 10th, 2008 at 9:08 pm and is filed under Birthdays, Customs and Traditions, Gift Giving, Gift Ideas for Kids, Holidays Around the World, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
December 18th, 2008 at 1:22 pm
[…] you’re interested in stuffed animal gifts and robotic animals you can click the link to see an earlier post I wrote with […]
July 28th, 2009 at 5:33 pm
I did not expect to read this today. This is a great post. Thanks!
December 9th, 2009 at 12:35 am
When I was young, this was my favorite cartoon when it aired on ABC. I didn’t like any other cartoon more than this one. And it’s still worth watching. I loved the story, and the characters. I loved everything about it. I even like this cartoon, which is American, more than Sonic X, which is anime. And I’m into a lot of Japanese, including anime. And I know I’ll like this DVD, which everyone has waited years for, myself included, after it quit airing on ABC. No more looking through old worn out VHS tapes, which are probably missing episodes that weren’t recorded. I recommend this DVD to anyone who has watched and enjoyed this cartoon, and I recommend buying it while it’s still available, because no one knows how many copies will be sold, and for how long.