Looking for a Japanese Children’s Song with the Line “”Teku Teku””

Liz Matsumoto wrote:

Does anyone know the Japanese childrens song that starts off Teku Teku?

If anyone can help out with this song, please comment below or email me.



This article was posted on Friday, April 27th, 2007 at 3:39 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Japan, Japanese, Japanese Kids Songs, Languages, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

5 Responses to “Looking for a Japanese Children’s Song with the Line “”Teku Teku”””

  1. Devon Says:

    There is a song called “Hoka Hoka Teku Teku” about taking a walk in the sun. You can hear a sample of it here: http://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail.asp?sku=452095 (It’s track #21) Is that the song?

    “Teku Teku” is the sound of your feet when you are walking. Hoka Hoka is used to describe a warm day/warm sun.

  2. Nora Su Kessel Says:

    Are you sure it isn’t “teru teru bozu, teru bo–zu”?

  3. Liz Says:

    Thanks for the responses. My daughter sings the song in Japanese school. It’s like a good morning song-it ends with konnichiwa

  4. atinskivuk Says:


  5. Lisa Says:

    Rafa wrote:


    I realize I’m almost ten years too late, but I was looking for the same song from my childhood and found this video that had it…


    Hope it helps!

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