Looking for I’m a Little Teapot in Spanish

Mouna wrote…


My name is Mouna and I work with pre-schoolers and I was wondering if anyone knows the words in Spanish for the rhyming song I’m a little Teapot. Please send it to me. I thank you in advance.


If anyone knows the lyrics to I’m a Little Teapot in Spanish, please comment below.



This article was posted on Tuesday, March 7th, 2006 at 11:39 am and is filed under Languages, Questions, Spanish. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

One Response to “Looking for I’m a Little Teapot in Spanish”

  1. Rosy Says:

    Soy una teterita,
    pequeña y fuerte
    Esta es mi asa
    Este es mi pico
    Cuando me calientan…
    vierteme y vaciame!

    Soy una tetera muy especial,
    Si, es cierto,
    Este es un ejemplo de lo que puedo hacer,
    Puedo voltear mi asa en mi pico
    Vierteme y vaciame!

    Taken from http://lyricstranslate.com/en/teapot-song-i039m-little-teapot-soy-una-tetera.html#ixzz3DhJHomma

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