Here’s a very little French tale called "Gâteau" by Jules Lemaître. The story is about two kids trying to share cake. It’s in French with an English translation and a French recording.
On avait donné à deux enfants un gros gâteau et un petit, en leur disant:
"Partagez !"
Les deux enfants étaient une petite fille de six ans et un petit garçon de quatre ans.
"Tiens ! dit la petite fille, prends ce joli petit gâteau. Moi, je mangerai ce vilain gros."
"J’aime mieux le vilain gros," dit le petit garçon.
"Mais puisqu’il est vilain !"
"Oui, mais il est gros !"
English Translation:
Two children were given a big cake and a small one, and told:
The two children were a little girl of six years and a boy of four years.
"Hey!" said the little girl, "Take this pretty cupcake. I’ll eat this big, nasty one."
"I prefer the big, nasty one," said the little boy.
"But since it’s nasty?"
"Yes, but it’s big!"
Recording by Jeckert.
Illustrations by Jacques Onfroy de Bréville.
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