Evanescence – A Poem with an MP3 Recording

"Evanescence" was penned by American Harriet Prescott Spofford (1835–1921). It’s a poem that says, Yes!  Beauty is fleeting.  But so what!  It’s still beauty to be enjoyed while it exists.

Below you can hear the poem and read along with the words.

MP3 Recording of Evanescence

by Harriet Prescott Spofford

What’s the brightness of a brow?
What’s a mouth of pearls and corals?
Beauty vanishes like a vapor,
Preach the men of musty morals!

Should the crowd then, ages since,
Have shut their ears to singing Homer,
Because the music fled as soon
As fleets the violets’ aroma?

Ah, for me, I thrill to see
The bloom a velvet cheek discloses,
Made of dust—I well believe it!
So are lilies, so are roses!

This article was posted on Saturday, September 10th, 2011 at 3:28 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, English, Languages, Poems, Poetry, Recordings, Recordings of Poems, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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