Can Someone Help with a Children’s Song (that’s possibly Czech)?

Dave wrote:


I came across your website and it’s fantastic! There is a kid’s song that I’m dying to find out if 1) it’s Czech and 2) if you’ve heard it and know what it actually means.

It would be amazing if you could help me with this one.

Here is the phonetic version, please don’t be offended:

pompovali dvapa nazi
polo mali
poom poom
ponzterosta coka zokna
sprafte meeteh
poom poom

Thats all I have. If you know ANYTHING I’d be super happy.


Dave Scharf

If anyone can help out Dave, please comment below. We’d also love to have the correct spelling of this song.


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Wednesday, August 27th, 2008 at 10:37 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Czech, Czech Republic, Languages, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

4 Responses to “Can Someone Help with a Children’s Song (that’s possibly Czech)?”

  1. HANA Says:

    Yes, i think that it is Czech.

    Pumpovaly dva panáčci (dvě panenky)
    pumpovali pumpu.
    Pan starosta kouká z okna
    Spravte mi tu pumpu.

  2. Lisa Says:

    Thanks Hana! That’s very helpful.

    If anyone could provide an English translation, that would be great!

    -Mama Lisa

  3. HANA Says:

    It’s a finger play.

    Pumpovaly dvě panenky – Two maids had pumped (water)
    Polámaly pumpu – (and then) They broke the pump
    Pan starosta kouká z okna – The reeve (mayor) is looking out of the
    Spravte mi tu pumpu! – Repair the pump for me!

  4. Mila Says:

    I found this funny video with this rhyme both in Czech and in English. It has two strophes – in the first one the maids pumped the pump and in the second one they broke the pump.

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