Can Anyone Help with an Italian Song that Starts with the sound, “Ta-Ling, Ta-Long, Morta Kalong”?

Ron wrote looking for help with a song his grandmother would sing to him…

My Nonna (Diletta Da Vinchie) used to rock me to sleep when I was very little. She was born in Domegge Di Cadore Italy.

All I can remember is the words and I’m probably pronouncing them wrong:
Ta-Ling, Ta-Long, Morta Kalong, Kalong Dupra, Dupra mi na​, mi na du cet, du cet me get…….that was about it.
If you could find the song that Nonnas (Grandmothers) used to sing to their little babies it would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Ron Mucci
If anyone can help with this song, please respond in the comments below.
Thanks in advance!
Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 at 6:23 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Italian, Italian American, Italian Children's Songs, Italy, Languages, Mama Lisa, Questions, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

2 Responses to “Can Anyone Help with an Italian Song that Starts with the sound, “Ta-Ling, Ta-Long, Morta Kalong”?”

  1. Carleen Says:

    That will be hard to find! Most likely need to seek out someone who is from the same region as your Nonna. My Nonna is from Calabria, and we had a different song for bed time! Hope someone can help you!

  2. Grandma Rosie Says:

    I have a new grand baby and I’ve been trying to remember that same song that my Nona sang to my girls. I hope you have luck finding it.

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