Another Version of “The Hearse Song” (“The Worms Crawl In the Worms Crawl Out”)

Today we went to a Halloween party and when we got home I happily found this email in my inbox from Tanya…

I bought my kids a dancing skeleton this year and it sings this song and I never knew what it was called but the words go like this:

Did you ever see a hearse go by, who will be the next to die?
They’ll wrap him in a big white sheet;
And bury him down 6 feet deep
The worms crawled in the worms crawled out
the worms play pinochle on your snout

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!

-Another version of The Hearse Song!

Thanks Tanya!


Here you’ll find other versions of The Hearse Song. Feel free to add the version you know in the comments.

Come read about The Origin of The Worms Crawl in the Worms Crawl Out a.k.a. The Hearse Song.

This article was posted on Sunday, October 30th, 2005 at 9:03 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Halloween, Holidays Around the World, Songs by Theme, The Hearse Song. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

89 Responses to “Another Version of “The Hearse Song” (“The Worms Crawl In the Worms Crawl Out”)”

  1. Christine Coulter Says:

    Growing up in Norfolk VA in the 60’s and 70’s we sang the song this way:

    Never laugh when a hearse goes by, for you may be the next to die.
    They wrap you up in a big white sheet and bury you down about six feet deep.
    All goes well for about a week, until your coffin begins to leak,
    the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out the worms play pinochle up your snout.
    They eat your eyes they eat your nose, they eat the cheese between your toes. Your stomach turns a gooshy green and pus runs out like whipping cream, you sop it up with a piece of bread and that’s what you eat when you are dead.

  2. Pat Turk Says:

    In the 50s this is how we sang the song in my neighborhood of children of “mill hunkies”.
    If ever you see a hearse go by
    you may be the next to die.
    They wrap you in a big white sheet,
    and dig a hole that’s six feet deep.
    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out,
    the worms play pinochle on your snout,
    And one little fellow who isn’t so shy
    crawls in your ear and out your eye!
    Your stomach turns a horrible green,
    puss comes out like whipped cream.
    You slap it on a piece of bread,
    that’s what you eat when you are dead!
    (Shave and a haircut, two bits.)

  3. Nancie Says:

    The Hearse Song was in the 1966 movie with Zsa Zsa Gabor, “Picture Mommy Dead”

  4. Ian Wilson Says:

    Used to sing this version at the cub scout camp fire every night at our pack holiday week. I was camp fire leader for the District.

    Have you ever thought when the hearse goes by
    That some fine day you’re going to die

    Chorus…Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, where will I be a hundred years from now.

    Pushing up the daisies, pushing up the daisies,
    That’s where I’ll be a hundred years from now.

    They wrap you up in a big white sheet,
    Careful to tuck in your hands and your feet.


    They lock you up in a big black box
    Cover you over with lots of rocks.


    The centipedes come in rows and rows
    and lay their eggs between your toes


    The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out,
    They crawl in thin and they crawl out stout.


    Your eyes fall in and your teeth fall out,
    Your brains come trickling down your snout.


    (sing very quietly)
    The moral of this story related
    Is that you should go and get (Shout as loud as you can) CREMATED

  5. Ian Wilson Says:

    Clinton we had another version of the one liner…

    It’s not the cough that carries you off……
    It’s the coffin they carry you off in.

  6. Lisa Says:

    Cool version Ian!

  7. Toby B Says:

    OK my mom taught me this version (as well as I can remember)

    Every day as the Hearse goes by
    One of these days you are going to die

    Chorus OOooeeeooee OOoooahhhoooahh how happy we shall be

    They dress you up in a long white shirt
    then cover you over with lots of dirt


    Your eyes fall in and your teeth fall out
    Your brains come bubbling down your snout


    The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out
    They go in thin and they come out stout

    OOooeeeooee OOoooahhhoooahh how happy we shall be (*shout*) DEAD

    also the Pogues recorded a version on their album “If I should fall from grace with god” (darn good album)

  8. Joni Steen Says:

    Never laugh when a hearse goes by,
    for you may be the next to die.
    They cover you up in a dirty old sheet
    and bury you under six feet deep.
    All goes well about the week,
    then the casket springs a leak.
    Worms crawl in, worms crawl out
    and bugs play pinochle on your snout.
    Then the body gets the gassiest dream,
    and pus squirts out like whipping cream.

  9. gillian heron Says:

    In The tv movie called finder’s keepers (2014) the little girl sings this song

  10. v. lout Says:

    Mom sung this song to us as kids”

    Have you ever thought as the days go by,
    that one of these days your going to die.
    They’ll put you in a big black box and
    cover you up with dirt and rocks.
    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.
    they play pinochle on your snout.
    A big green worm with big green eyes,
    crawls up your nose and out of your eyes.

  11. Mandy Says:

    My mom sang this version to me as a child……

    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out….
    The worms play pinochle on your snout.
    Your eyes fall in, your teeth fall out,
    Turns your guts to sauerkraut.

    I once knew a worm who wasn’t so shy….
    He crawled in me ear and out me eye.
    I once knew a worm that wasn’t so smart….
    He crawled up me rump and I blew him a fart.

  12. Perfction Says:

    never laugh when a hearse goes by for you maybe the next to die the grave yard is a nasty place they wrap you up and throw dirt in your face then worms crawl in and worms crawl out and worms play pinochle on your snout while big red bugs with big green eyes crawl in your liver then out your eyes pus comes out like whipping cream and me without my spoon.

  13. Steve, Louisville Says:

    Now don’t you laugh when the hearse goes by,
    for you may be the next to die.

    They wrap you up in a big white sheet,
    and bury you down about six feet deep.

    All goes well for about a week,
    and then the coffin begins to leak.

    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.
    The worms play pinochle on your snout.

    Then one little fellow who’s not so shy,
    crawls in your ear and comes out your eye.

    Your stomach turns a slimy green,
    and comes out in pus like thick whipped cream.

    They spread it on bread, and that’s what you eat when you’re dead!

  14. John Says:

    When you are dead you are dead

  15. alina Says:

    dont ever laugh as a hearse goes by,
    for you may be the next to die,
    they wrap you up in a big white sheet,
    from your head down to your feet,
    they put you in a big black box,
    and cover you up with dirt and rocks,
    and all goes well for about a week,
    and then your coffin begins to leak,
    the worms crawl in the worms crawl out,
    the worms play pinochle on your snout,
    they eat your eyes they eat your nose,
    they eat the jelly between your toes,
    a big green worm with rolling eyes,
    crawls in your stomach and out your eyes,
    your stomach turns a slimy green,
    and pus pours out like whipping cream,
    you spread it on a slice of bread,
    for thats what you eat when you are dead,
    the worms crawl out the worms crawl in,
    the ones that crawl in are lean and thin,
    the ones that crawl out are fat and stout,
    your eyes fall in and your hair falls out,
    your brain comes tumbling down your snout.

    and the worms crawl in the worms crawl out,
    they crawl all over your dirty snout,
    your chest caves in and your eyes pop out,
    your brain turns into sour kraut,
    they invite their friends and their friends too,
    they all come down to chew on you,
    and this is what it is to die,
    i hope you had a nice goodbye,
    did you ever think as a hearse goes by,
    that you may be the next to die,
    and your eyes fall out and your teeth decay,
    and that is the end to a perfect day.

  16. Jack Currie Says:

    Don’t ever laugh when a hearse goes by
    or you may be the next to die
    They wrap you up in a big white sheet
    and drop you down about six feet deep – for the worms to eat
    The worms go in – the worms go out
    The worms play pinochle in your mouth
    Your guts go in and your guts go out
    and your bones – they look like whipping cream
    Don’t you wish you had a spoon?

    1950’s Chicago version. The Fred MacMurray movie is Murder, He Says 1945.

  17. Peggy Says:

    This is the Version my Granddad taught me when I was little.

    Did you ever thing when the hearse went by, that you would be the next to die? They’ll wrap you up in silk and lace, and throw the dirt right in your face. The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out, they crawl through your stomach and out your mouth. Your nose falls off, and your face caves in. You’re a darn good fellow for the shape you’re in.

  18. Patrick Says:

    I new the song with the verse,
    The worms crawl in the worms crawl out they crawl up your spinal colum and shout.

    Has anyone ever heard this line?

  19. Jackie Says:

    My Dad used to say: Did you ever think as the hearse drove by that someday you too are going to die? The funeral is a swell affair, with all your friends and relatives there—then it went into the worms and such!

  20. Nana Noreen Says:

    Did you ever think when the hearse went by, that you would be the next to die? They’ll wrap you up in a bloody sheet, The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out, they eat your stomach like sauerkraut, your French Fried eye balls rolling up and down the street, little birdy bloody feet, contaminated monkey meat. darn it I forgot my spoon

  21. Lisa Says:

    Caleb wrote…

    So I loved your blog on the hearse song. Here’s a version that I remembered growing up:

    Did you ever think
    As a hearse goes by
    You might be the one to die?
    They wrap you up in a bloody sheet
    Cover you up for about six weeks.

    They put you in a painted box
    Seal it tight with girders and locks
    All goes well for maybe a week
    Then the parasites start to eat.

    The bugs crawl in the bugs crawl out
    They play poker on your snout
    They’ll chew through your eyes, they’ll bite your nose
    They’ll eat the fungus between your toes.

    A purple fly with pulsating wings
    Flies in your stomach and out your thing
    Try as you might your stomach explodes
    Blood comes out like whipping cream.

    The worms come out and some bugs come in
    Your intestines boil and your blood starts to thin
    All the worms crawl out in a mass
    Your eyes fall out and your skin turns black.

  22. Cindy Says:

    I remember seeing an old movie where a little girl sang the song. I always remember it as….
    The worms go in the worms

  23. Cindy Says:

    The worms go in the worms go out. In your stomach and out your mouth. You’ll never see a hearse go by that you won’t think you’re going to die. That is all i can remember of it though

  24. Rob Says:

    I am TRULY amazed at the numerous variations on this theme! I was four, and living in Detroit, when I was taught this macabre “nursery rhyme” (if it can be called that) by my “loving” older sisters (the eldest was ten, and the other nine). Of course, THEIR version was a jumbled mishmash of the different ones listed here…and it went SOMETHING. LIKE. THIS:

    “Have you ever thought as a hearse goes by, that you might be the next one to die. They’ll wrap you up in a bloody sheet, and throw you down about six feet deep. After you’re put in the cold, cold ground, all of your relatives will stand around. The worms crawl in, and the worms crawl out…into your stomach and out of your mouth.

  25. Matt Says:

    I learned this version from my parents in the early eighties, Ontario:

    Never laugh when a hearse goes by
    For you might be the next to die
    They wrap you up in a big white sheet
    Then drop you down about six feet deep
    It’s pretty cozy for ’bout a week
    But then the casket begins to leak
    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
    The ants play pinochle on your snout
    The pus runs out, it’s turning green
    Gee I forgot the whipping cream!

  26. Alistair Says:

    My father always sang it to me as it was to him back in the mid-late 1950s:

    Whenever you see a hearse go by,
    Do you think of the day you’ll die ?
    They wrap you up in a clean white sheet,
    And bury you about six feet

    You’ll be all right for about a week
    then your coffin will spring a leak

    the worms go in,
    the worms go out,
    they go in thin and come out stout

    Your eyes turn grey
    your ears turn green,
    your brain comes out like thick whipped cream

  27. Dean Chandler Says:

    The movie is picture mommy dead I think, 1966

  28. Kathleen E Ball Says:

    The version I knew ended
    Pray for the dead and the dead shall pray for you.

  29. Kimberly Mawhinney Says:

    So many versions, the version my grandfather sung was:

    Have you every heard as a hearse goes by
    That one day you are going to die
    They wrap you up in a shroud of black
    And they never think about bringing you back
    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, in and out and around about
    They bring their friends and their friends’ friends too
    And they make such a horrible mess outta you.

  30. Ephraim shtern Says:

    Have you ever seen a hearse go by
    Remembering some day you’re going to die
    They stick you in this little box
    And cover your body with dirt and rocks.

    The worms crawl in
    The worms crawl out
    The worms that crawl in, they all crawl out
    The worms that crawl out they all crawl in
    Your eyes fall in
    Your teeth fall out
    Your brains tumble quikly down your snout
    Be merry my friends… be merry

  31. Morton Joynes Says:

    The version that I remember, or parts of it:

    Whenever you see a hearse go by, remember that you’re sure to die,
    Yoho Yoho Yoho Yoho How happy we will be.

    The worms crawl in, The worms crawl out,
    They go in thin and they come out stout……

  32. Patti Says:

    I can’t believe people have been adding to this post for over 10 years! Here’s the version we sang as kids:

    Don’t you laugh when the hearse goes by
    For you may be the next to die
    They wrap you up in a bloody sheet
    And then they bury you six feet deep
    All is well for about a week
    And then your coffin begins to leak
    The bugs crawl in, the bugs crawl out
    The bugs play pinochle on your snout
    Big black bugs with greenish eyes crawl in your nose and out your eyes
    Your guts come out like whipping cream
    And me without a spoon!

  33. Don Says:

    Maine version:
    Have you ever thought as a hearse rolls by, that someday e-even you and I will be riding along in that same old rack with never a thought of coming back?
    They lower you down and they throw on the rocks and they fall with a thud on your old pine box.
    The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in, they crawl all over your nose and chin. They call in their friends and their friends friends too and you look like hell when they’re through with you.

  34. Lorianne Says:

    I never knew there were other words/verses. I was taught this song about 45 years ago.

    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms play pincochle on your snout. Your body turns a missy green and pus comes out like whipping cream.

  35. Sunshine Kid Says:

    The version I learned in High Wycombe, England in 1960 is:

    Never ever laugh as a hearse goes by,
    As you and I will surely die.
    They wrap you up in a big bloody sheet,
    Then bury you some six feet deep.
    You’ll be buried in an old pine box,
    Covered over with dirt and rocks.
    All goes well for about a week,
    But then your coffin begins to leak.
    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out,
    They’ll play Pinochle upon your snout.
    One little worm, so quiet and shy,
    Crawls in your ear and out your eye.
    They eat your eyes they eat your nose,
    They eat the jelly between your toes.
    Your skin does turn a slimy green,
    And pus pours out like whipping cream.
    You spread it on a slice of bread,
    And that’s what you eat when you are dead.

  36. Ahloa C-D Says:

    My grandmother always taught me this version of it.

    Have you ever seen a hearse go by
    And things that you were the next to die
    They wrap you up in a dirty sheet
    They throw you down about 6 feet deep
    The worms crawl in the worms crawl out
    The worms play pinochle in your snout
    Your eyes pop out your teeth decay
    And this is the end of a Merry day
    Well me without a spoon but I got a straw *slurp* good

  37. Marna M Galvan Says:

    I always sing it or remembered it as did you ever think it’s a Hurst went by that someday you and someday I might take a ride in that self-sim heck out to the graveyard and never come back and they put you in the steep dark hole and there they leave you to start to mold the worms crawling and the worms crawl out the worms crawl in and out of your mouth they bring their friends and their friends friends too and all together they wereeeweee on you

  38. Phil Says:

    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
    They eat your guts like sauerkraut

  39. Sue grimes Says:

    Have you ever seen a casket go by, It makes you your going to die.they wrap you up in a big white sheet, and throw you in about 60 feet.The worms,the worms crawl.out, the worms play pinochle on your snout.Your stomach turns a slimy green, and pus runs out like whipping cream.You wipe it up with a piece of bread, and that’s what you eat when you are dead. I am 76 and this is how I heard it in Hillsdale Michigan when I was a kid in the 60s

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