
(1) Literally "You have here…"
(2) Bujalet/bojalet, literally, "little hole/opening/gap…"
(3) The beam - Monique wrote, "In the countryside, when they could, people raised a pig. When they killed it (or had it killed) the sausage, ham, bacon etc. (all the cold meats that can be kept in the open air, in fact) were hung from the beams, often those on the ceiling of the attic or in a room fresh and dry (if it's damp, it rots) and safe from rodents (no one wants to find just the ham bone because the mice just left that and the string!)."
(4) A "pascada" is either an omelet or a pancake made with eggs, milk and flour, with or without sugar. Its name comes from "Pascas" (Easter) because people used to make it with the eggs laid and not eaten during Lent.



MP3: Monique Palomares

Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Lo mes de mai

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique Palomares.