Estando a mora no seu lugar
Estando a mora no seu lugar
The Blackberry Was at Home
Cumulative Song
Cumulative Song
Estando a mora no seu lugar
veu a mosca e lle fixo mal.
A mosca á mora
que dorme no bosque soa.
Estando a mosca no seu lugar
veu a araña e lle fixo mal.
A araña á mosca,
a mosca á mora,
que dorme no bosque soa.
Estando araña no seu lugar
veu a rata e lle fixo mal.
La rata á araña,
a araña á mosca,
a mosca á mora,
que dorme no bosque soa.
Estando a rata no seu lugar
veu a gata e lle fixo mal.
A gata á rata
a rata á araña,
a araña á mosca,
a mosca á mora,
que dorme no bosque soa.
Estando a gata no seu lugar
veu o can e lle fixo mal.
O can á gata
a gata á rata,
a rata á araña,
a araña á mosca,
a mosca á mora,
que dorme no bosque soa.
Estando o can no seu lugar
veu o home e lle fixo mal.
O home o can,
o can á gata
a gata á rata
a rata á araña,
a araña á mosca,
a mosca á mora,
que dorme no bosque soa.
Pobre a mora que dorme
en o bosque soa.
The blackberry was at home,
There came a fly that hurt it,
The fly to the blackberry
That sleeps alone in the wood.
The fly was at home,
There came a spider that hurt it,
The spider to the fly,
The fly to the blackberry
That sleeps alone in the wood.
The spider was at home,
There came a rat that hurt it,
The rat to the spider,
The spider to the fly,
The fly to the blackberry
That sleeps alone in the wood.
The rat was at home,
There came a cat that hurt it,
The cat to the rat,
The rat to the spider,
The spider to the fly,
The fly to the blackberry
That sleeps alone in the wood.
The cat was at home,
There came a dog that hurt it,
The dog to the cat,
The cat to the rat,
The rat to the spider,
The spider to the fly,
The fly to the blackberry
That sleeps alone in the wood.
The dog was at home,
There came a man that hurt it,
The man to the dog
The dog to the cat,
The cat to the rat,
The rat to the spider,
The spider to the fly,
The fly to the blackberry
That sleeps alone in the wood.
Poor blackberry that sleeps
Alone in the wood.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Manuel R Crespo for providing this song, the Spanish translation and the mp3 music!