Paura cigala
This is a moralistic song based on La Fontaine's fable "La cigale et la fourmi" (The Cicada and The Ant). There are slightly different versions of this song.

Paura cigala
Poor Cicada
Children's Song
Children's Song
Paura cigala, lo bon temps passat,
Paura cigala lo bon temps passat,
Lo bon temps passat, paura cigala,
Lo bon temps passat a pas amassat.
Vèrs sa vesina quand lo freg venguèt,
Vèrs sa vesina quand lo freg venguèt
Quand lo freg venguèt, vèrs sa vesina,
Quand lo freg venguèt se'n corriguèt.
Brava vesina, ieu crèbi de fam,
Brava vesina, ieu crèbi de fam,
Ieu crèbi de fam, brava vesina,
Ieu crèbi de fam amb mos enfants.
Quand ieu glanavi, de qué fasiatz vos?
Quand ieu glanavi, de qué fasiatz vos?
De qué fasiatz vos quand ieu glanavi?
De qué fasiatz vos amb los pichons?
Quand vos glanavetz, ne cantavi dos,
Quand vos glanavetz, ne cantavi dos,
Ne cantavi dos, quand vos glanavetz,
Ne cantavi dos amb los pichons.
Ara vesina, ne cal dançar tres,
Ara vesina, ne cal dançar tres,
Ne cal dançar tres brava vesina,
Ne cal dançar tres e manjar pas res!
Poor cicada, once the fine weather passed,
Poor cicada, once the fine weather passed,
Once the fine weather passed, poor cicada,
Once the fine weather passed, has gathered nothing.
To her neighbor's house, when the cold came,
To her neighbor's house, when the cold came,
When the cold came, to her neighbor's house
When the cold came, she hurried.
Nice neighbor, I'm starving,
Nice neighbor, I'm starving,
I'm starving, nice neighbor,
I'm starving with my children.
While I was gathering, what were you doing?
While I was gathering, what were you doing?
What were you doing, while I was gathering?
What were you doing with your little ones?
While you were gathering, I was singing two songs
While you were gathering, I was singing two songs,
I was singing two songs while you were gathering,
I was singing two songs with my little ones.
Now neighbor, you'll have to dance to three,
Now neighbor, you'll have to dance to three,
You'll have to dance to three, nice neighbor,
You'll have to dance to three and eat nothing!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci.
Image: Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel, Fables choisies pour les enfants et illustrées, La cigale et la fourmi, 1888. Image was edited by Mama Lisa to fit this song.