Cri du coq

Cri du coq
Rooster's Cry
Nursery Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme
J'ai du mau à min co
Tchèche qu'i ll'o dit?
Ch'est Marie.
A doù qu'al est ?
Din chés mèrais.
Quoè qu'ch'est qu'al foait?
Al vind du lait
(À deux sous éch tchot pot-au-lait).
My neck hurts.
Who said so?
Mary did.
Where is she?
In the marsh.
What is she doing?
She's selling milk.
(Two pennies by the little milk can).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Jean-Luc Vigneux from the site Ch'Lanchron for contributing this rhyme, to Edit' Dupont for translating it into French and to Monique Palomares for translating it into English.
Tout plein d'ar'merciements!