The Fox and The Goose

The Fox and The Goose
A fox crept into a farmyard one day,
And thus addressed an old goose, I've heard say:
"Mrs. Goose, so wondrous bright is the weather,
We'll go, if you please, ma'am, a-walking together."
"I thank you," the goose said, "yet I must decline.
When first I looked out, the morning was fine;
But sir, since you came to my door, I make bold
To tell you, the weather seems cloudy and cold."
The day was warm, the sky was clear,
No rain had fallen, no storm was near,
But the goose was too wary to venture out
While the treacherous Reynard was prowling about;
For the goose who walks with a fox, 'tis plain,
Will never come walking home again.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
This poem can be found in "Poems My Children Love Best of All" (1917), edited by Clifton Johnson.