Oo A Lay Lay
This song is listed as traditional Polynesian all over the internet. It's sung in many countries in schools and camps.
Oo A Lay Lay
Oo A Lay Lay
Call and Response Song
Call and Response Song
(Unidentified Language)
Leader: Oo a lay lay
Group: Oo a lay lay
Leader: Oo a lay lay
Group: Oo a lay lay
Leader: Mala tika tumba
Group: Mala tika tumba
Leader: Oo a lay maluwa maluway
Group: Oo a lay maluwa maluway.
Please email me if you know which country this song comes from, what language it's in and/or what it means. Thanks! -Mama Lisa
If anyone can identify where this is from and what the language is and/or what it means, please email me. Thanks! Mama Lisa

Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
You can hear this song in the video below at 0:39 It's interspersed with "do re mi"
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Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Lisa Heintz from Little Songbird for pointing out this song to us!