Babes in the Woods

Babes in the Woods
My dear you must know that a long time ago
There was two little children whose names I don't know,
Who were taken away on a bright autumn day,
And lost in the woods I have heard people say.
Now when it was night very sad were their plight,
The stars did not shine and the moon hid her light,
Then they sobbed and they sighed and sadly they cried,
And the poor little things at last lay down and died.
Two robins so red when they saw them lie dead
Brought beech and oak leaves and over them spread;
And all day long the branches among
They sang to them softly and this was their song:
Poor little babes in the woods,
Poor little babes in the woods,
O who will come and find,
Poor little babes in the woods!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
This version of "Babes in the Woods" can be found in "American Ballads and Songs" (1922), edited by Louise Pound. Images from "The Babes in The Wood" (1861).