Pica polet
Pica polet
Hit, You Chicken
Finger Play
Finger Play
- Vesiat, qué m'as panat?
- Un sac de blat!
- Ont l'as mes?
- Al trauquet!
- E pica, pica, pica polet!
- Vesiat, qué m'as panat?
- Un sac de blat!
- Ont l'as mes?
- Dins lo trauc de la paret!
- E pica, pica, pica polet!
- Vesiat*, what did you steal from me?
- A bag of wheat!
- Where did you put it?
- In the little hole!
- So hit, hit, hit you chicken!
- Vesiat*, what did you steal from me?
- A bag of wheat!
- Where did you put it?
- In the hole in the wall!
- So hit, hit, hit you chicken!
This rhyme is usually recited.
*Vesiat means "spoilt, pampered child" and "pet, sweatheart" as a term of address. It's a family name too.
Game Instructions
At the end of the rhyme, the adult hits the child's palm with his fingers, pretending like his fingers are the chicken's beak.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this rhyme and for the mp3 recording.
Mercé plan!