Quand èri pichonet
Quand èri pichonet
When I Was a Tiny Little Boy
Children's Song
Children's Song
Quand èri pichonet
Ma maire me bragava
Ara que siái grandet
Me bragui tot solet.
La dansarem pas pus
La borrèia d'Auvèrnha
La dansarem pas pus
Lo violon es romput
When I was a small little boy
My mother would put my trousers on for me,
Now that I'm a big little boy
I myself put my trousers on.
We won't dance it any more,
The "bourrée" from Auvergne
We won't dance it any more
The violin is broken.
Monique Palomares wrote me, "...some versions of verses available, (but) not to be published in a children site!"

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song, for the score, the midi and the mp3 music.
Mercé plan!