Mon paire, pecaire
Mon paire, pecaire
My Father, Poor Dear
Children's Song
Children's Song
Mon paire, pecaire
Aviá qu'una dent
E mai trantolava quand fasiá de vent
La la la la….
Ma maire, pecaire…
Mon fraire, pecaire…
Mon paire, ma maire, mon fraire
Avián qu'una dent
E dins la familha
Fasiá que tres dents
La la la.
My father, poor dear
Had only one tooth
And it swayed with the wind
La la la la…
My mother, poor dear…
My brother, poor dear…
My father, my mother, my brother
Had only one tooth
And in the family
There were only three teeth
La la la…

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song, for the score, the midi and the mp3 music.
Mercé plan!