La calha
La calha
The Quail
Children's Song
Children's Song
Oh, calha, bèla calha ont as ton nis ?
(2 còps)
Aval, dedins la prada, lo long del riu
(2 còps)
Oh, calha, bèla calha, de qu'es bastit ?
Es de borra de lèbre e de lapin
Oh, calha, bèla calha, qué i a dedins ?
Quatre uòus coma los autres mes pus polits
Oh, calha, bèla calha, qual te noirís ?
Son tres polidas sòrres de mon país
Una me pòrta l'aiga, l'autra lo vin
L'autra la cançoneta per m'endormir.
Oh, quail, pretty quail, where is your nest?
Down in the meadow, along the river.
Oh, quail, pretty quail, what is it made of?
It's made of hare and rabbit fur.
Oh, quail, pretty quail, what is there inside?
Four eggs like any other, but prettier.
Oh, quail, pretty quail, who's feeding you?
Three pretty sisters from my country.
The first brings me water, the second, wine,
The third, a little song to lull me to sleep.
Here you can hear this song sung by grade school students.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song, the score, the midi and the mp3 music.
Mercé plan!