Two Little Hands Go Clap, Clap Clap
Mime the actions in the song...
Two Little Hands Go Clap, Clap Clap
Action Song
Two little hands go clap clap clap
Two little feet go tap tap tap
Two little eyes are open wide
One little head goes side to side.

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Here's the version in the following video:
My two hands go clap, clap, clap
My two feet go tap, tap, tap
My two hands go thump, thump, thump
My two feet go jump, jump, jump
My one body turns around
and it quietly sits down.
My two hands go clap, clap, clap
My two feet go tap, tap, tap
My two hands go thump, thump, thump
My two feet go jump, jump, jump
My one body turns around
and it quietly sits down.
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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Stephen Fessey for sharing this song with us! Check out Stephan's YouTube Videos for kids.