Once an Austrian Went Yodeling
This song is based on the Austrian folk song called "Und jetzt gang i ans Peters Brünnele".
Once an Austrian Went Yodeling
Camp Song
Once* an Austrian went yodeling
On a mountain so high,
When along came an avalanche
Interrupting his cry...
Yolay hee:
Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo, (shh)
Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo, (shh)
Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo, (shh)
Yodelay hee hoo oh lay.
Once an Austrian went yodeling
On a mountain so high,
When along came a Saint Bernard
Interrupting his cry...
Yolay hee,
Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo, (arf arf, shh)
Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo, (arf arf, shh)
Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo, (arf arf, shh)
Yodelay hee hoo oh lay.
Once an Austrian went yodeling
On a mountain so high,
When along came a grizzly bear
Interrupting his cry...
Yolay hee,
Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo, (boom boom, arf arf, shh)
Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo, (boom, boom, arf arf, shh)
Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo, (boom, boom, arf arf, shh)
Yodelay hee hoo oh lay.
*Or "Oh, an Austrian went yodeling."
Here are some other things that can go by:
Cuckoo bird (cuckoo, cuckoo)
Skier (swish, swish)
Cow (moo, moo)
Duck (quack, quack)
Game Instructions
There are different actions that can be done with this song. Here's one variation:
1. On "yodeling":
-Put your hands up to your mouth like you're going to yodel.
2. On "a mountain so high":
-Wave your hand over your head miming a mountain.
3. On "Yolay hee":
-Drum roll on your thighs.
4. On "Yodelay hee hoo, oh yodelay hee hoo":
-Slap thighs, clap hands, snap fingers twice (and repeat).
5. On "Yodelay hee hoo oh lay":
-Slap thighs, clap hands, snap fingers twice.
6. Variations on the different verses:
On "shh" (Avalanche):
-Swish your hands down.
On "arf, arf" (St. Bernard dog):
Put your hands down like a dog's paws.
On "boom, boom" (Grizzly bear):
-Stomp feet twice.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ashleigh Hardin for contributing this song!