The bushbuck is an antelope found in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The is a call and response song in which you imitate the actions of the bushbuck.

The Bushbuck
Action Song
Action Song
Gbodi mangi were
Gbodi mangi were, gbodi o.
Gbodi wo ti turn
Gbodi wo ti turn, gbodi o.
Gbodi gu a gu
Gbodi gu a gu, gbodi o.
Gbodi sungun sende
Gbodi sungun sende, gbodi o.
Gbodi guari
Gbodi guari, gbodi o.
See what the bushbuck does.
See what the bushbuck does, the bushbuck oh!
The bushbuck turns her ears.
The bushbuck turns her ears, the bushbuck oh!
The bushbuck wags her tail.
The bushbuck wags her tail, the bushbuck oh!
The bushbuck lies down to sleep.
The bushbuck lies down to sleep, the bushbuck oh!
The bushbuck rises up,
The bushbuck rises up, the bushbuck oh!
I believe this is a variation of the game described in "Oral Literature in Africa" by Ruth Finnegan (1970) as follows:
"In 'Bush-buck in a trap' the success of the game depends on the exactness of the leader's imitation of the animal: The boys stand in a ring, holding hands. One boy is in the middle, and he is 'Gbodi', the bush-buck. He sings suiting his actions to the words, and the others reply, copying him... At the words 'Gbodi break away now' [perhaps the equivalent of last two lines here], he makes a wild dash for safety, and tries to break through the circle. If he fails, he has to act 'Gbodi' again.