De Wâldsang
Song by Harmen Sytstra (1817-1862)
De Wâldsang
The Song of The Woods
Traditional Song
Traditional Song
Moai, sûnder wjergea binne de Wâlden:
Smûk skaadzjend beamtegrien oeral yn't rûn;
Blier laitsjend boulân, tierige greiden,
sjongende fûgels, sânich de grûn,
sjongende fûgels, sânich de grûn.
Moai, sûnder wjergea binne de Wâlden:
Smûk skaadzjend beamtegrien oeral yn't rûn.
Oeral yn't rûn, yn't rûn, oeral yn't rûn.
Maaimoanne' pronkseal binne de Wâlden:
't Hôf klaaid yn bloeiselwyt, geal sjongt en slacht;
Kijkes yn't finlân rinne te weidzjen,
't nôt weag't it fjild oer, swiid is de pracht,
't nôt weag't it fjild oer, swiid is de pracht.
Maaimoanne' pronkseal binne de Wâlden:
't Hôf klaaid yn bloeiselwyt, geal sjongt en slacht,
geal sjongt en slacht en slacht,
geal sjongt en slacht.
Fryske bewenners hawwe de Wâlden:
Hja libje froed en from, sljocht binn' se en rjocht,
eang fan útwrydskens, gol en ienfâldich,
altyd deselde, wêr't men se sjocht,
altyd deselde, wêr't men se sjocht.
Fryske bewenners hawwe de Wâlden:
Hja libje froed en from, sljocht binn' se en rjocht,
sljocht binn' se en rjocht en rjocht,
sljocht binn' se en rjocht.
The woods are beautiful, without equal,
The pleasant shade of the lush trees is all around.
Merrily laughing farmland, hearty grasslands,
Singing birds, sandy ground,
Singing birds, sandy ground.
The woods are beautiful, without equal,
The pleasant shade of the lush trees is all around,
All around, around, all around.
The woods make a noble show in May,
The courtyard is clothed in white blossoms, the nightingale sings and flutters,
The cows in the marshlands run to the pathways,
The grain waves over the field, tender is its magnificence.
The grain waves over the field, tender is its magnificence.
The woods make a noble show in May,
The courtyard is clothed in white blossoms, the nightingale sings and flutters,
The nightingale sings and flutters and flutters,
The nightingale sings and flutters.
Frisian inhabitants have the woods,
They live modestly and devoutly, they're simple and upright,
Perturbed by flamboyance, frank and humble,
Forever the same, wherever people see them.
Forever the same, wherever people see them.
Frisian inhabitants have the woods,
They live modestly and devoutly, they're simple and upright.
They're simple and upright and upright,
They're simple and upright.
Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg wrote: "You could say that 'De Wâldsang' is about a forest, but it's more about 'woods' – 'De Wâlden'. It's an ode to the eastern part of the province where the land is less open and lakes are rare (by Frisian standards).
This slight difference also plays a certain role in the translated text."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to the site Fun With Frisian for sharing this song and translation with us. You can read more about the translation at DE WÂLDSANG - "The Forest Song". Translation on this page edited by Lisa Yannucci.
Tanke wol!