Dibidibidip is pronounced as "dee-be-dee-be-deep". This is a fun Korean game. Directions how to play it can be found below.

Game Instructions

The leader does one of the three gestures below at the end of saying "dibidibidip". The other player makes one of the gestures at the same time. If the 2nd player makes the same gesture at the leader, the 2nd player loses.


1. Right arm in front of you, bent up at the elbow, with hand forward and out (palm parallel to the floor).
The left arm bent in front with the left hand under the right elbow.
Raise the right leg, bent up at the knee.
2. Both arms bent up in front of you (variation is both arms up and at your sides) with hands pointed out (palms parallel to the floor).
Legs apart.
3. Hands clasped together in front of you.
Stand with legs closed.

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