Everywhere We Go
This is a call and response type of song. The leader says a line and then the group repeats it for every line of the song.
Everywhere We Go
Camp Song
Everywhere we go
People always ask us*
Who we are
Where we come from
We always tell them
We come from (name of place)
And if they can't hear us
We sing a little louder.
Keep singing louder as many times you
want and the last time sing it this way:
Everywhere we go
People always ask us
Who we are
Where we come from
We always tell them
We come from (name of place)
And if they can't hear us
They must be DEAF!
*Or "People want to know"
Another way of doing this song is with a team or group…
Everywhere we go
People want to know
Who we are
And so we tell them
We're the (name of group)
Mighty, mighty (group)
And if they can't hear us
We sing a little louder…
Variations of this song exist. You can tailor it to your place or group.
