Pizza, Pizza Daddy-O
Many variations of this song exist…
Pizza, Pizza Daddy-O
Circle Dance
(Name) got a boyfriend,
Pizza, pizza Daddy-O
How do you know it?
Pizza, pizza Daddy-O
Cause she told me,
Pizza, pizza Daddy-O
Let's rope it!
Rope it, rope it Daddy-O*
Let's swim it,
Swim it, swim it Daddy-O
Let's dance it,
Dance, it, dance it Daddy-O
Let's roll it,
Roll it, roll it Daddy-O
Let's twist it,
Twist it, twist it Daddy-O
Let's clap it,
Clap it, clap it Daddy-O
Let's end it,
End it, end it Daddy-O!
*Or continue singing "Pizza, Pizza Daddy-O" every other line.
Alternate version:
(Name) had a baby
Pizza pizza daddy-o
How do you know it?
Pizza pizza daddy-o
'Cause she told me
Pizza pizza daddy-o
What's the name?
Pizza pizza daddy-o
Jessie Jaaames
Pizza pizza daddy-o
Let's swim it
Pizza pizza daddy-o
Let's shake it
Pizza pizza daddy-o
Let's spin it
Pizza pizza daddy-o!
Game Instructions
The kids go in a circle and one child goes in the middle. The child in the middle of the circle is the one whose name they say in the first line of the chant. Then the kids mimic the action of each line (i.e. "Let's swim it" – pretend to swim, "Let's twist it" – twist your hips, etc.).
There are many versions of this rhyme. Please email me the version you know. Thanks! Mama Lisa
