O Christmas Tree - American Children's Songs - The USA - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Mama Lisa's World Blog has more versions of O Christmas Tree.


Sheet Music

Sheet Music - O Christmas Tree

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Matt & Cheryl Lind for contributing this version of O Christmas Tree! Here's what they wrote:

"Thank you so much for this web site! I speak some German (at one point was fairly conversational but am now very rusty) and am trying to brush up so I can speak it to my 18-month old to expose him to a second language. I am looking for resources to play and interact with him in German and this site is perfect!

FYI, thought you might be interested in the English translation of O Tannenbaum that I am familiar with. I grew up not knowing it was a German song until we lived in Munich for 5 months when I was 12 years old."

Thanks to Lila for the illustration!

Thank you very much!