Coca-Cola Went to Town - American Children's Songs - The USA - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Here's a longer version:

Coca Cola went to town
Diet Pepsi shot him down
Dr. Pepper picked him up
Now we're drinking 7-Up
7-Up got the flu
Now we're drinking Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew fell off a mountain
Now we're drinking from a fountain
Fountain broke, people choke,
Now we're back to drinking coke.

Alexcia wrote:

"I came across the Coca-Cola Went to Town lyrics via Google. I guess I remembered it differently from back in 'the day'. I thought that the lyrics were..."

Coca-Cola went to town
Pepsi-Cola shot him down
Dr. Pepper fixed him up
Now we're drinking 7-UP
7-UP couldn't cheer
Now we're drinking Root Beer
Root Beer couldn't sing
Now we're done with the entire thing.

Elizabeth D. wrote:

"I am a student and now we do coca cola as the following..."

Coca Cola went to town,
Diet Pepsi knocked him down,
Sierra Mist picked him up
Now we're drinking Seven Up,
Seven Up caught the flu,
Now we're drinking Mountain Dew,
Mountain Dew fell off the mountain
Now we're drinking from a fountain,
Fountain broke had a stroke
Now we're drinking Cherry Coke,
Cherry Coke lost all its cherries
Now we're drinking Loganberry
Loganberry shot a deer
Now we're drinking root beer,
Root beer lost its taste
Now we're drinking toothpaste,
Toothpaste made me choke
Now we're back to drinking coke!

Uma Daurka wrote:

"Growing up I learnt an entirely different version of that Coca Cola rhyme, however I am from the UK. Mine was..."

Coca Cola went to town
Diet Pepsi knocked him down
Dr Pepper picked him up
Now we're drinking 7 Up
7 Up fell down a mountain
Now we're drinking from a fountain
Oh no! The fountain broke now we're drinking Cherry Coke
Cherry Coke fell in the sea
Now we are drinking plain old tea.


Corrina recites the longer version that's in the Song Notes in the mp3...


Thanks to Corrina D. for reciting this for us!

You can see below many versions of this song exist. Feel free to send us yours! -Mama Lisa
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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Sandi McBride for contributing this rhyme and to Gracie for the great illustration! Thanks to Alexcia Reynolds, Uma Daurka and Elizabeth D. for sharing another version!

Thanks so much!