Where is Thumbkin?

Where is Thumbkin?
Finger Play
Where is thumbkin?
Where is thumbkin?
Here I am!
Here I am!
How are you today sir?
Very well I thank you!
behind back and sings)
(Brings one hand to front and sings)
(Brings other hand to front and sings)
(Wiggles first thumb and sings)
(Wiggles second thumb and sings)
(Moves first hand back behind back and sings)
(Moves second hand back behind back and sings)
Next you can do it with the following fingers:
Where is Pointer?
Where is Tallman?
Where is Ring Man?
Where is Pinkie?
Mama Natasha sent me a slightly different version:
Where is Thumbkin?
(Finger Play)
Where is thumbkin?
Where is thumbkin?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How are you today sir?
Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.
Where is pointer? Where is pointer?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How are you today sir?
Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.
Where is tallman? Where is tallman?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How are you today sir?
Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.
Where is ring finger? Where is ring finger?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How are you today sir?
Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.
Where is baby? Where is baby?
Here I am.
Here I am. How are you today sir?
Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.
Where's the whole family? Where's the whole family?
Here we are.
Here we are. How are you today sir?
Very well we thank you.
Run away. Run away.
Denice wrote, "This is a little ditty that my brother used to sing as a child and is now trying to teach to my new little one. I thought you might like to include it on your site, it is very cute to watch small ones try to mimic the actions."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Denice Taylor for contributing this rhyme and the instructions. Thanks to Mama Natasha for the second version.
Thank you very much!