Oh, Catalina Magdalena
Elizabeth sent this song with the note: "This one I learned from a neighborhood friend who, if I recall correctly, learned it at summer camp one year."
Oh, Catalina Magdalena
Children's Song
Oh, Catalina Magdalena
Lubincino Wobble-ino
Hogan Pogan was her name.
She had two hairs on the top of her head
One was blue and the other was red.
She had two teeth in the middle of her mouth
One pointed north and the other pointed south.
Elizabeth wrote, "I don't remember the other verses of this one."
If anyone knows other verses to this song, please email me. -Mama Lisa
Nikki Olandese wrote:
I have some different lyrics to the Oh, Catalina Magdalena song... We called it Magdalena Hagdalena:
Magdalena Hagdalena
Magdalena Hagdalena
Ookatalka Walkatalka
Oka Poka Noka was her name.
She had two hairs on the top of her head,
One was alive and the other one was dead.
She had two eyes at the top of her head,
One was green and the other one was red!
She had a big nose in the middle of her face,
Wasn't very pretty and it took a lot of space!
She had two teeth in the middle of her mouth,
One pointed north and the other pointed south.
She had two knees in the middle of her belly,
One was peanut butter and the other one was jelly.
She had two feet as big as a mat,
One took a shower while the other took a bath!
-Thanks! Nikki
Geoffrey wrote:
I learned this one too, and of course it had a different name rhyme:
Catalina Madelina Rubensteiner Wallamiener Hogan Pogan Logan was her name.
She had two lips
They looked like wieners
She used them for her vacuum cleaner
Love the site!
Belinda Dunn wrote:
"When we were kids we sang...."
Natalina catalina ruba donna walldonna hugga donna bugga was her name.
She had two hairs etc.
Two teeth etc.
She had two legs as pretty as can be with a bow in the middle and a knock at the knee.
She had a dimple on her nose and a dimple on her chin.
So every time she laughed her face caved in!
Tiffanie wrote:
It all seems different but this is how I remember it...
There was a funny girl she had a funny name she got it from her father just the same same same.
Oh Magdalena Catalina Lubensteiner Wobblediner Hogan Logan Pogan was her name was her name.
She had two hairs on top of her head, one was purple and the other was red.
She had two eyes in her head one was glass and the other was lead.
Her neck was as tall as a 10 foot Pole right in the middle was a big black mole.
She had two teeth in her mouth one went West and the other went South.
She had two hips like battleships and when she walked they both did flips.
Her feet were as flat as a bathroom mat. I don't know how they got like that.
Poor Magdalena got hit by a 10 ton truck and her father had to buy the man a new machine.
Ashley Oliver sent some other verses:
She had two ears like sails on a boat,
her Adam's apple traveled up and down her throat.
She had two hips like battle ships,
one stayed home and the other took trips.
Ending verse…
Now prairie flowers smell so sweet,
you gotta have a gas mask to smell her feet.
Ed Olson wrote, "Additional lyrics to Catalina Magdalena song . . . and my favorite . . . one known by my father who is now 73 years old. He taught it to us when I was a kid about 40 years ago in Colfax, Washington.
"She had a thing they they called a nose,
she washed it out with a garden hose."
Here's a version I received from Little Bit Farm:
This is what I learned:
I have a gal that's ten feet tall,
her feet in the kitchen,
and her toes in the hall,
Catalina Madelina Luminsteina, Wallindina, Hogan, Logan, Bogan was her name.
A ten ton truck struck Madeline,
The driver had to go and buy a new machine,
Catalina Madelina Luminsteina, Wallindina, Hogan, Logan, Bogan was her name.
-Little Bit Farm
Richard Rimer sent these lines:
Her neck was as long as a ten foot pole
and right in the middle was a great big mole.
Stephanie Southard sent this verse:
Some Say her breath smells sweet;
But me I'd rather smell her feet ...
Oh fatalina matalina (mispelled)
Amber wrote:
This is the version my mother taught me, it seems to be a combination of a lot of people's:
Chorus: Hagdaleena Magdaleena Hootin Steina
Wobble Dina Hoga Moga Moga was her name
She had two hairs on the top of her head
One was alive and the other was dead
She had to eyes on the side of her head
One was purple and the other was red
She had two teeth inside of her mouth
One pointed North and the other pointed South
She had a long neck as skinny as a pole
And in the middle was a great big mole
She had two shoulders like a football player
One was round and the other was square
She had two hips like battleships
One stayed home while the other took trips
She had two feet size twenty and a half
One took a shower while the other took a bath
Here comes a truck, a ten ton truck and hit poor,
Hagdaleena Magdaleena Hootin Stina
Wobble Dina Hoga Moga Moga was her name
And that's the end of her game!
Allen wrote, "The Boy Scout camps in Maryland sang:
Madelena Catalina Hootensteiner Walkenheimer Hogan Bogan Logan was her name… her name!
She had 2 feet sized twelve and a half. One took a shower while the other took a bath.
She had 2 feet sized 48. Big enough to fill the Empire State.
(Maybe one of these was not 'feet' but the ol' memory here can't parse that out after so long.)
She had 2 eyes in the middle of her head. One was green & the other was red.
Allen Eberwein"
Judith Crossett wrote, "Some verses I knew, some new to me. Our favorite in 4th-5th grade:
[1st line slowly and sadly] A ten-ton truck hit Catalin [cat-ah-leen]
[2nd line bouncy again] They had to buy a new machine.
I may have to teach this to my grandson."
Lauren Dinnel sent this verse:
"Haggalina maggalina hoopsteiner winer diner
Hogan Logan hogan was her name.
Some say her breath smelled sweet
But as for me I'd rather smell her feet!"
We welcome other versions of Catalina Magdalena (many seem to exist for this song.) -Mama Lisa

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Elizabeth Brillhart Belcher for contributing this hand clapping rhyme and to Nikki Olandese for the 2nd version. Many thanks also to Ashley Oliver, Ed Olson, Richard Rimer, Stephanie Southard and Geoffrey Blackmer for contributing the additional verses. Thanks to Little Bit Farm, Amber Morgan, Tiffanie, Allen Eberwein, Judith Crossett and Belinda Dunn for sending their versions! Thanks to Lauren Dinnel for sharing another verse.