Looking for a Portuguese Saying or Nursery Rhyme for a Baby Shower

I received this note yesterday:


I was wondering if anyone could suggest a nursery rhyme, song or quite from a classic children’s book that is in Portuguese. I am doing my sister-in-law’s baby shower invite and would love to put something like this on there, in her language.

Thank you

If anyone can help out, please comment below.



This article was posted on Wednesday, January 31st, 2007 at 6:11 pm and is filed under Brazil, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Languages, Nursery Rhymes, Portugal, Portuguese, Portuguese Children's Songs, Portuguese Nursery Rhymes, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 Responses to “Looking for a Portuguese Saying or Nursery Rhyme for a Baby Shower”

  1. Sharon Gibb Says:

    I am looking for a Portuguese children’s rhyme about a cat who goes into the kitchen to make a bun and eats it all up. One says the rhyme as one tickles the palm of the child and then runs up the child’s arm with one’s fingers.

  2. Lisa Says:

    I’ve recently been sent a lot of Portuguese rhymes and songs that I’ll be posting soon (and I’m supposed to be getting more) on the Mama Lisa’s World Portuguese pages at http://www.mamalisa.com/world/portugal.html . If you’d like to visit the pages soon – it might be posted there.

    Otherwise, does anyone out there know this one?


  3. Kayenne Says:

    “meu pé meu querido pé”

    Tchau preguiça
    Tchau sujeira
    Adeus cheirinho de suor

    Lava, lava, lava, lava
    uma orelha, uma orelha
    outra orelha, outra orelha

    Lava, lava, lava, lava
    a testa e a bochecha
    Lava o queixo, lava a coxa
    e lava até o meu pé,
    meu querido pé que me aguenta o dia inteiro

    Uôu uôu
    e o meu nariz, meu pescoço,
    meu tórax, meu bumbum
    e também o fazedor de xixi


    Lá, lá, lá, lá, lá, lá, lá, láiiiáá…

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