Does Anyone Know a Swedish Story about Two Monkeys?

Florence wrote asking for help finding a childhood story.  Here’s her letter:

Hello Lisa,

My Grandpa was Swedish and when I was growing up he and my Dad would tell us a story about Uncle Bobby and his two monkeys; Jim & Jockle (sp?). They were naughty little monkeys. That’s about all I can recall. I’ve have searched everywhere I can think to. I came across your website & thought you might be able to help. I don’t know if the story is Swedish or not. I just know I’ve never heard it from anyone except my Grandpa & my Dad.

I would be ever so grateful if you can help me.



If anyone knows anything about this story, please let us know in the comments below.


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 at 9:06 pm and is filed under Books & Stories, Childhood Memories, Countries & Cultures, Languages, Parenting, Questions, Stories, Sweden, Swedish. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

One Response to “Does Anyone Know a Swedish Story about Two Monkeys?”

  1. Susan Doty Says:

    There is a Swedish American Museum near Chicago that may be able to help. Some of the volunteers are from Sweden.
    5211 N. Clark St. | Chicago, IL 60640 | Tel: 773.728.8111 | Fax: 773.728.8870
    Good Luck. I will check back to see if you get the story!!

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