Can Anyone Help with Any Songs from Honduras, Guatemala and/or Belize?

I received these two notes below on the Mama Lisa’s World Facebook Group and was wondering if anyone could help?

1) Juanita Edington wrote…

“Love all of the resources on mama lisa’s world regarding songs of countries around the world. I needed songs from various Central and South American countries and found many to use at school with the only ones that I still needed were Honduras, Guatemala and Belize.”

Here’s another one…

2) Laura Gurdo wrote…

Hi, I need traditional songs or rhymes from Argentina for a preeschool project. I have read Giddy up, Little bull and Little Kolla Boy….
Thanks . Laura

If anyone can help Juanita or Laura with songs from any of these countries, please let us know in the comments below. Even if the songs are only in the original languages, that would still be great!

Thanks in advance.

Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Tuesday, May 5th, 2009 at 2:57 pm and is filed under Argentina, Argentinean Children's Songs, Belize, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, English, Guatemala, Honduras, Languages, Mama Lisa, Questions, Spanish. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

5 Responses to “Can Anyone Help with Any Songs from Honduras, Guatemala and/or Belize?”

  1. Lisa Says:

    There are some more childrens songs from Argentina here – in Spanish only.

  2. Monique Says:

    Maybe you could buy the Umalali cd. You can find it on Amazon and you can also hear and see some of it on YouTube

  3. Sara Says:

    Check out Guillermo Andersen/Anderson. He is a musician from La Ceiba, Honduras and has many children songs as well as songs about the north coast of Honduras and his country’s culture.

    Honduras and Belize are home to Garifuna culture on the coasts, and Garifuna music could be used.

    I;m not sure about Guatemala. Isn’t Arjona oringinally from there?

  4. Ashley Says:

    Look up “Vamos a la mar a comer pescado song from Guatemala” – it is a song that has “tum tum” or “tun tun” in it. It is included in a lot of “folk song” collections.

  5. Courtney Says:

    We are a mixed Honduran family. Here is a link with folksongs traditional in Honduras. My kids’ favorites have been El Pitero and A la Capotin.

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