"Bluebird, Bluebird" is similar to "Little Bird, Little Bird".

A variation is to change the color of the bird to match the children's clothes who are singing the song or playing the game. So if one of the children is wearing red you can sing "red bird, red bird" and so on…

Blue Bird, Blue Bird - American Children's Songs - The USA - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image

Game Instructions

Children stand in a circle holding hands high up in arches (to form the "windows" in the song). One kid is the "Blue Bird" who flies in and out of the arches or "windows". During the second verse, the "bird" chooses a partner by patting him/her on the shoulder. The second kid then follows holding the 1st kids shoulders while they pass through the "windows". Then game continues on until all the kids make a chain and there are only 2 children left forming an arch (or "window". They become the first two bluebirds in the next round.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

The illustration comes from "Little Wide-awake, Annual for Children" (1883) by Lucy D Sale Barker - it was graphically altered by Mama Lisa.