Oh, kuusepuu
Oh, kuusepuu
Oh, Christmas Tree
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Oh, kuusepuu, oh, kuusepuu,
Kui haljad on su oksad!
Ei mitte üksi suisel aal,
Vaid talvel ka siin külmal maal.
Oh, kuusepuu, oh, kuusepuu,
Kui haljad on su oksad!
Oh, kuusepuu, oh, kuusepuu,
Sa oled mulle armas!
Sind jõuluks metsast tuuakse
Ja küünlad külge pannakse.
Oh, kuusepuu, oh, kuusepuu,
Sa oled mulle armas!
Oh, jõulupuu, oh, jõulupuu!
Siit igaüks saab rõõmu.
Su juures lapsed laulavad
Ja rõõmsalt kinke ootavad.
Oh, jõulupuu, oh, jõulupuu!
Siit igaüks saab rõõmu.
Oh, jõulupuu, oh, jõulupuu,
Su valgus on nii hiilgav!
Veel kirkam valgus sellel ees,
Kes taeva leiab Jeesuses.
Oh, jõulupuu, oh, jõulupuu,
Su valgus on nii hiilgav!
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,
How green are your branches!
Not only in the summertime,
But even in winter here in the cold country.
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,
how green are your branches!
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,
You are dear to me!
You'll be brought from the woods for Christmas
And the candles will be attached.
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,
You are dear to me!
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree!
Everyone will be happy here.
The children are singing with you
And happily waiting for gifts.
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree!
Everyone will be happy here.
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,
Your light is so bright!
An even brighter light before him
Who finds heaven in Jesus.
Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,
Your light is so bright!
Lauri wrote: "The text author of the Estonian 'O dannenbaum' is not August Zarnak (but who has a role to play in this story). In Estonia, there are different authors for different translations. The most popular that stands (with the same text on your page), was made by Aleksander Eduard Brandt, published on 1881."
August Zarnack wrote a tragic love song in German inspired by this folk song in 1819. In his song, the evergreen, a "faithful" fir tree is contrasted with a faithless lover.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Lauri for sharing info about the author!