And His Name was Naaman
Naaman was a leper in the Bible. He was told to bath seven times in the Jordan River by Elisha. He did it and was healed. This song is about that story….
And His Name was Naaman
Sunday School Song
And his name was Naaman,
And his name was Naaman,
And he dipped,
And he dipped,
And he dipped
And dipped
And dipped
And dipped
And dipped
And he came out whole!
Game Instructions
1. On the first two lines you put your hands on your hips and turn left to right.
2. Every time you sing "dipped" you should crouch down (more each time you sing it).
3. On the last line, make a movement with your arms over your head and out and down to the sides.

You can hear this song in the video below at 1:40.
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You can hear this song in the video below at 0:28.
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