O Limão da Mariquinhas

O Limão da Mariquinhas
Cry, Little Mary, Cry
Circle Game
Circle Game
Chora Mariquinhas, chora
Chora porque não tens um limão
Anda na roda
Procura o limão, Mariquinhas
Que ele aqui não está
Que ele aqui não está
Está no meio da roda
A dançar o solidó
Quem tem?
Cry, little Mary, cry,
Cry because you don't have a lemon.
Go in the circle,
Look for the lemon, little Mary,
Since it's not here,
Since it's not here.
It's in the middle of the circle
Dancing the "solido"*.
Who has it?
*The "solido" is a Portuguese dance.
Game Instructions
The children stand in a circle. In the middle, one child covers the eyes of another child. Someone standing in the circle holds a lemon in his closed hand. When they sing "Quem tem?" (Who has it?) all the kids raise up their arms. The kid who had his eyes covered goes around the circle patting the other children's hands until he finds the lemon. When he finds it, he goes into the middle of the circle and covers the eyes of the child who had the lemon. Then the lemon is given to another child who's standing in the circle.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing this song with the game instructions!