Utima Wange
"This is a song of praise and thanksgiving in Umbundu. We were told it roughly translates to 'My heart is thirsting for you, my heart is joyful, my God.'" -Lauren

Utima Wange
My Heart
Traditional Song
Traditional Song
A Section:
Utima Wange Ukukwetele yona,
Utima Wange Ukululumbila
B Section:
A Ñala suku yange,
A Ñala suku yange
A Section:
My heart is thirsting for him.
My heart is joyful.
B Section:
Lord God the Creator.
Lord God the Creator.

The rendition in the video starts with "section b". Then they sing "section a" and then "section b" again.
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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Lauren Breunig for providing the lyrics, the meaning of this song and the video!
About the Video:
The band Windborne learned "Utima Wange" from the choir at Do Carmo Church while on tour in Angola with American Music Abroad, a program run by the US Department of State that promotes cultural exchange through music.