An Arabic song that's sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"...

بابا و ماما  یحبوني - Yemeni Children's Songs - Yemen - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*Fatima wrote, "About 'my mom is my eye's glory', it's the equivalent of 'the apple of my eye'."


Baba o mama yehebouni
Alamouni wa rabouni
Ya rab yekhali baba
Wel mama noor ouyouni
Mama ya mama ya set el-koul
Mama ya mama ya ahla foul
Ya rab yekhaliki liya
Ya mama ya qaliya aliya
Baba ya baba ma ahla
Baba ya baba ma aghla
Hou fi ayni hou fi qalbi
Dawman dawman la ansah
Baba o mama yehebouni
Alamouni wa rabouni
Ya rab yekhali baba
Wel mama noor ouyouni

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Fatimah Baji for transliterating and translating this song.

Photo: Wikimedia