"There are approximately 350,000 people in the world who speak Dhivehi, the local language of Maldives, so we are a rare bunch..." -Misbah Nazeer
You can find the translation and a phonetic version of the song below the Dhivehi text.

Maldives Lullaby
Haalugaa dhathi maa ekani veri,
Vaalu yaarun genve rulhi veri
Raalugai mithu kamaku molhiveri,
Chaalukiyamey naananaa
Emmehai rahumaitherin adhu,
Fenna goi vaalekkamun madhu
Genve indhe' roiroi hitha thadhu,
Hemmikiyamey naananaa
Vejjenama ahameehakaaren,
Therrahuma mizamaanugaa dhen,
Eththashin kai kendidheye
Dhen fennubovenees naananaa
Haalugai dherayas vi molhiellaa
Alhaanetha dheyne' meeheh
Vaane' fulhu dhari theri nikan keh',
Saabahey dhen naanaanaa
Boafenah varubalivegenfaa,
Dhoni gandugos gelligenfaa
Thoave' nahudhaa nilamathee
Ove' thoahithaamave' naananaa
Veynuvaru nuve' gadhakamun kolhi,
Heynujehiraa buddhi fiku olhi
Veynugaa indhaa miveri
Molhi thoanuroadhari naananaa
Jehunuthan undhagoo museebaath,
Dhihurigenma egoi nuveemaa
Rihulibevimaa gina thuraalaa
Mihuremey hen naananaa
Santhimariyanmbu mee araarey,
Bandhekey mee nehkamungey
Mamma dharifulhu dhennuroandhey,
Dhanvareymee naananaa
Handi tahggovaa adey ey,
Fattamaa thakubeeruves ey
Dhanvareymee angalafaandhey,
Mamma fulhudhari naananaa
Loa avaru boadhigu nikankoru,
Goanibey meehunkiyaa soru,
Thoaeboabidhoshu jahan horu,
Rroanu baladhey naananaa
Kandu labari mirashan araafiye
Bandudhekujjaku dhooluvaifiye
Madukuravvan vee kameemiey,
Adumafulhu dhari naananaa
Ranmmathinmaa dhooni ebadhey,
Kanmashah bodu' haadha adhey
Mamma fulhudhari dhen nidhaandhey,
Thammathy ove' naananaa.
Even though
I am lonely and downcast,
With everyone gone against me;
I am singing this beautiful lullaby.
All the friends,
We see them rarely.
Hence with an aching heart
I am singing this lullaby.
These days, if you make a friend,
We lose them sooner than
We can drink water after
A shared meal with them.
Even when we are abandoned
There is no one to offer help.
My child, you should be very patient.
Be strong.
With the boat lost at sea
And everyone gone thirsty,
The captain is laying
On the bench with sadness.
With the storm brewing around
And people losing their minds,
My child please don't cry
When we are in such gloom.
As we do not wish for
Worries and misfortunes,
Even with all these problems
I sing this lullaby.
Tonight is when Santhimariyanmu (1)
Comes for the children
And we don't have any locks on the doors.
My child it is midnight so please stop crying.
That is the sound of the Handi (2),
Let's start a prayer.
It is past midnight my child,
Please stop talking.
The cross-eyed and limping man with long hair,
Whom everyone calls Goanibey (3)
Is lurking behind the house.
So please don't cry.
The sea monster has come ashore
And ate two children and
This is why you need
To be quiet my child.
The big bird is flying above the island
And I am really worried.
My dear child, please
Go to sleep on this comfortable bed.
(1) Santhimariyanmu is a local mythical witch who comes in the night and pulls out children's dirty teeth.
(2) Handi is a local mythical ghost like spirit monster.
(3) Goanibey is a local mythical man much like a Boogeyman or Sack Man.
Misbah Nazeer wrote from the Maldives:
"These are a few verses of a beautiful Maldivian Poem (Lhen) lullaby read when children are put to bed. A "Lhen" is one of the forms of poetry written in the Dhivehi Language. This poem is about a mother's plea to her child about the hardships of life and the importance of patience and perseverance. It also describes some characters from local folklore like monsters (the bogeyman) etc.
The late Mr.Ibrahim Fikry Didi or Kalhuthuthudidi from Fuvahmulah was a prolific writer of traditional poems and children's lullabies. He started writing poems for different occasions during the early 20th century and wrote until his death in the late 1960's."

If anyone can provide the original Dhivehi text in computer form, please email me. Thanks! -Mama Lisa

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Misbah Nazeer for sharing this lullaby, for the text and for the translation. Check out Misbah's YouTube channel of the Maldives for lots of videos.
Photo of Boat: "Maldives 09675" by © Nevit Dilmen. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.