Mi smo djeca vesela
Here's an old children's song that's known in the Split region.
Mi smo djeca vesela
We Are Happy Children
Circle Game
Circle Game
Mi smo djeca vesela,
rado bi se igrala,
al' ne znamo što.
Kaži nam ti Ančice
što će tvoje ručice
Kaži nam ti Ančice
što će tvoje ručice.
"Svi činite kao ja
to me jako zabavlja"
"Svi činimo kao ti,
to nas jako veseli".
We are happy children
We would like to play,
But we don't know what.
Tell us - you, Annie
What your hands will do
Tell us - you, Annie
What your hands will do.
"You all do like me,
It amuses me a lot!"
"We all do like you,
It makes us very happy."
Game Instructions
The children form a circle and in the middle there is one child (in the song they name him/her like in this case "Ančice") who is doing something with his hands or legs etc. and the others are copying him/her. The children go one after the other to the middle of the circle.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Sanda Stančić for contributing and translating this song and for the game instructions. Translation edited by Lisa.
Puno hvala!